Ministry Marriage Mentoring

Encouragement & Inspiration for Your Most Important Relationship

We all know that ministry couples and their children are at risk. The statistics tell us that far too many pastors are leaving the ministry each year – many times due to issues correlating to their marriage. Misaligned priorities, unreasonable expectations, lack of counsel and help can lead to a devastating ending of both ministry and marriage. These are some of the reasons The 6:4 Fellowship offers Ministry Marriage Mentoring.  

New groups being September 10th!

Husband and Wife Holding Each Other

Ministry Marriage Mentoring

The call to ministry marriage IS challenging! Find empathetic mentoring as well as peer relationships to work through, and safeguard, your most important priority.

You will receive instruction and counsel that will help guide you to course corrections that can transform your marriage from just an existence to one of great joy and effectiveness!

This mentorship experience will help you identify:

    • Biblical priorities for a thriving marriage
    • Personal patterns and backgrounds that can lead/ have led to heartache and disappointment 
    • Destructive lies that have been accepted into your marriage and ministry
    • Tools to disarm conflict within your marriage
    • The impact of ministry on your children
    • Adjustments that can transform your marriage from just an existence to one of great joy and effectiveness.


I was always aware that our prayer life as a couple was poor. This program was a gift of grace that infuse, encouraged and walked with us to allow us to do a thing that I thought was impossible: pray together consistently with joy, and see fruit of that in my wife’s heart and the way she sees me. That was worthy of the time and everything we invested.
    – Kike Torres


These mentoring groups will meet online via our ZOOM Meetings platform. Each session is approximately 80 minutes. All sessions will be recorded for future playback in the event of an absence or intentional review.  

The groups are limited to 4 couples to maximize group discussion as well as to maintain a personal and interactive environment.

Next available groups start:

Tuesday, September 10th, (time TBD by the group)


Thursday, September 12th, (time TBD by the group)


  • Registration for these groups will close three days before first session, to allow time for pre-session work.

We really enjoyed it, especially because we had an opportunity to meet other couples in ministry and hear about their struggles and their victories and learn from each other and encourage each other …at the same time all of us couples were receiving from our leaders, being encouraged with good content, having follow-up, and accountability. So, it was it was a blessing to us.

    – Jess Blankenbiller


  • Below is a brief course overview of the 4 main sessions. Your registration fee includes your electronic syllabus, links to the live mentoring calls, and supplemental materials/books for the mentoring experience. Supplemental materials will be sent both electronically and via mail prior to the first session.

  • Session 1: The call to marriage and ministry
  • Session 2: The endangered marriage
  • Session 3: Correction for the endangered marriage
  • Session 4: Self Care, Children, and Ministry

Your Facilitators:

Photo of Billie and Dennis

Dennis & Billie Henderson