About Us
“Every pastor’s second most important network, because we focus on every pastor’s most important priority.”
The 6:4 Fellowship exists to catalyze pastors, around the world, to Prayer-and-Word-Powered Ministry through an urgent call to the hope of a spiritual awakening, and by helping them to experience a life-changing rhythm of deeper conviction, rich community, and growing capacity for Spirit-empowered ministry.
Our vision is to see pastors and churches served with the encouragement and equipment necessary to catalyze Acts 6:3 disciples through Acts 6:4 leaders in the hope of an Acts 6:7 awakening. We call it a divine pattern:
6:4 + 6:3 = 6:7

The 6:4 Fellowship is a pastor-led, biblically-based, international and multi-denominational network of pastors rooted in the biblical paradigm of ministry seen in Acts 6:1-7.

The name “6:4 Fellowship” is taken from the two vital priorities found in Acts 6:4: prayer and the ministry of the word. These priorities defined New Testament leadership and gave early church leaders the courage to say “ no” to the distractions of lesser demands in order to focus on the core priorities of supernatural ministry.
The 6:4 Fellowship is a pastor-to-pastor community. It is not oriented around a single ministry or personality. It is cross-denominational in make-up and led by a team of pastors who exemplify the values of Acts 6:4. We are not focused as much on what pastors are doing but on what they are becoming. When we unite our hearts around a vision for a church committed to prayer and the ministry of the word, through the power of God’s Spirit, things will change. Christ is honored and his mission for this world is accomplished.
The 6:4 Fellowship seeks to help pastors experience more health and hope through prayer-and-Word-powered paths.
Typically pastors are introduced to The 6:4 Fellowship through connection with others pastors, either in the same geographic community or denomination/network. This connection is enriched by an interactive, two-session leadership conversation known as “The Power of ‘Yes’” reintroducing church leaders to Prayer-and-Word-Powered ministry. These sessions are designed to provide introductory principles and a “test-drive” time with the 6:4 team to embrace fresh and lasting CONVICTION about the priority of Acts 6:4 leadership aiming for an Acts 6:7 outcome. Ideally, these connections lead to consistent opportunities to regularly engage in “Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, Worship-based Prayer.”
The 6:4 Fellowship’s strategy facilitates rich and authentic engagement with a diverse COMMUNITY of like-minded pastors – all committed to the same vital biblical principles. This community is fostered via local, regional, and national experiences of prayer, equipping, and authentic fellowship. These ongoing engagements allow pastors to inspire and strengthen one another as they continue to live out regular rhythms of prayer-and-Word-powered ministry — personally and corporately.
As a ministry, The 6:4 Fellowship, seeks to build a growing CAPACITY in every pastor’s prayer-and-Word- powered leadership via the ministry website: 64fellowship.com. By joining 6:4, members have regular access to a treasure trove of biblical resources designed to equip the leader and his team, including inspiring videos, practical prayer guides, and a variety of instructional articles from many leaders from around the country. In addition, members are included in a variety of special training experiences (locally, regionally, nationally, and virtually) that cultivate a hunger for new levels of dependence on God and greater competency in leading prayer-and-Word-powered transformation in the local church.
The central feature of this strategy is a COACHING and mentoring experience for pastors called, The Praying Leader. Most pastors decide to take the training because of a referral from a trusted pastor who has testified to the game-changing difference that these new prayer competencies make for every-day ministry. Additional coaching, provided by 6:4, helps to cultivate personal, marriage, and ministry health for leaders throughout the fellowship.

Nirup Alphonse
Nirup Alphonse
Nirup Alphonse is the Lead Pastor of LIFEGATE Church in Denver, Colorado. Originally from Singapore, Nirup relocated to Chicago where he finished high school and later earned his degree from Trinity International University. After nearly two decades in ministry, Nirup is a widely recognized and highly sought-after speaker and communicator with a profound passion for empowering individuals to embrace their fullest potential and to live out their calling of being made alive in Christ. Outside of leading his church, traveling the world, and speaking, his greatest joy is being married to his wife Hannah and being a father to their four wonderful boys.

Adam Bailie
Adam Bailie
Adam is the senior lead pastor of Christ Church, which he planted in December 2012, and which has now grown into a multi-congregational, church planting church in Phoenix, AZ. He is a member of the national lead team of church planters for Send Network. He also serves as the president of Vintage Mission, a strategic partnership of churches for church planting within the Send Network. Prior to arriving in Phoenix, Adam planted and pastored Grace Church of the Valley in Kingsburg, CA. He and his wife Renee live in Gilbert, AZ with their two daughters and one son.

H.B. Charles Jr.
H.B. Charles Jr.

Jim Cymbala
Jim Cymbala

Bill Elliff
Bill Elliff

Daniel Henderson
Daniel Henderson

Dennis Henderson
Dennis Henderson

Troy Keaton
Troy Keaton

Keith Krell
Keith Krell
Keith is the senior pastor of Crossroads Bible Church, a multi-cultural, multi-generational church in Bellevue, WA. He has been in pastoral ministry in the Pacific Northwest for thirty years. Prior to Crossroads, Keith served as the senior pastor of Fourth Memorial Church while also the professor of biblical exposition at Moody Bible Institute-Spokane. Keith has a PhD in New Testament from the University of Bristol and a DMin from Talbot School of Theology. Keith and his wife, Lori, have been married since 1993 and have three adult children.

Kevin Myers
Kevin Myers

Vance Pitman
Vance Pitman

Paul Purvis
Paul Purvis

Robbie Symons
Robbie Symons

Al Toledo
Al Toledo

Mark Vroegop
Mark Vroegop
Mark Vroegop has served as the Lead Pastor of College Park Church in Indianapolis, IN since 2008. Mark is a contributor to 15 Things Seminary Couldn’t Teach Me and the author of Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament. Along with his weekly pulpit and leadership ministry, Mark is also a conference speaker and a member of The Gospel Coalition council.

Jeff Wells
Jeff Wells

Travis Whittaker
Travis Whittaker
Travis was born and raised in Metro Detroit. He started Mile City Church in 2015 near his hometown. Since then Mile City has grown into a multi-site church in 3 languages (English, Japanese and Español) Mile City has raised up and sent out 7 church plants as a sending church and has helped many other churches get started. Travis has been married to his high school sweetheart Jen for 20 years. They have 4 children that are keeping them on their toes. For fun Travis loves writing music and going sailing

Mohan Zachariah
Mohan Zachariah
Mohan grew up in the Washington, DC area. After coming to faith in Jesus during college, he began a journey towards full-time ministry, taking him through Philadelphia, India, and finally Chicago. He serves as the Lead Pastor of CityLine Bible Church, a Multi-ethnic, Inter-generational church located just outside Chicago. He and his wife Susan have three adult children. He has an MBA in Economic Development and an MA in Biblical Studies from Moody Bible Institute. He loves teaching God’s word and is passionate about seeing people take the call to discipleship seriously.

Alex Bowman
Alex Bowman
Alex has been in full-time pastoral ministry since 2007. He is the Lead Pastor at Crosswalk Community Church in Titusville, Florida. Alex and Melinda have been married since 1995 and they have three adult sons. They enjoy outdoor activities and love to hang out with family and friends.
Alex currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the South Region.

Billy Chidester
Billy Chidester
Pastor Billy has been preaching for almost 25 years now. His father and both of his grandfathers served as pastors and an in other areas of ministry. So, Pastor Billy is thankful to have come from several generations of ministers. He has served in South Mississippi, in New Mexico and has now been serving at Elmdale since 2015. Through the Lord’s amazing grace Pastor Billy became a Christian when he was 9 years old and today is thankful that the Lord has counted him faithful to serve as a pastor to love and shepherd the people the Lord has put before him. Pastor Billy is a graduate of William Carey College in Hattiesburg, MS and received his Master of Divinity degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Pastor Billy has been married Evangelina since 2000 and they have two grown Children, Shirley (and her husband and Son) and Little Billy. The Chidester family is thankful to serve the Lord and His Kingdom in NWA.
Billy currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Mid-America Region.

Brad Thompson
Brad Thompson
Brad Thompson spent 40 years in the Forest Products industry and retired in 2019 as President and CEO for Columbia Forest Products (North America’s largest producer of decorative hardwood plywood.) He served on various non-profit Boards serving as Board Chairman for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro, NC, Board Chairman for The Hardwood Federation and Board President for the Hardwood Industry’s PAC. Brad has a passion for workplace ministry associating Columbia Forest Product’s plants with Corporate Chaplains, His Way at Work and C12 leadership support. He received the C12 Group’s “Hero Award” for workplace ministry. Brad received the Association of Fundraising Professional’s Outstanding Philanthropist Award and has also served as a Gideon. Brad and his wife Libby have been married since 1981. They currently live at Smith Mountain Lake, VA where he serves on the Photography Team at Eastlake Church. Brad started a day and evening Men’s Bible Study Fellowship group for the SML area and serves as a group leader. Brad serves a Chief Operating Officer for Strategic Renewal. He and his wife have three grown children and one granddaughter.

Daniel Henderson
Daniel Henderson

Dennis Henderson
Dennis Henderson

Jeff Bedwell
Jeff Bedwell
Jeff has served as the Lead Pastor of First Baptist Church in Fort Mill, SC since 1997. Prior to that he pastored in southern Indiana and served on staff in churches in Missouri, Kansas and Indiana. Jeff and his wife Susan find great joy in serving the Lord together. They have two children and two grandsons. They enjoy traveling, kayaking and Clemson football. Jeff has a passion to communicate God’s Word in clear and applicable ways. His desire is to continue to grow in his own practice of prayer and be used by God to unleash the potential and power of a praying church.
Jeff currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Mid-Atlantic Region.

Jeff Sivyer
Jeff Sivyer
Jeff Sivyer is a retired church planter. He also served for 13 years as a police officer in Livonia, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. Jeff completed his Master’s degree in “Marriage & Family Therapy” from Wayne State University. He has been General Manager of a Christian Radio Station as well as Director of Operations of 7 counseling centers in mid-Michigan. Jeff is a member of the Spiritual Advisory Board of Hannah’s Home, Chaplain of the YMCA of Lake County, and was a Past President of the Painesville Area Chamber of Commerce (now known as the Eastern Lake County Chamber of Commerce). He has been married to Cindy since 1972 and has two daughters and 4 grandchildren.
Jeff currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Great Lakes Region.

Jeremiah Porter
Jeremiah Porter

Kike Torres
Kike Torres
Kiké Torres es pastor, consejero certificado, maestro y autor. Desde 2011 ha servido como Pastor Líder de Horizonte y La Carpa en Querétaro, MX. Tiene un corazón para la oración, la predicación, la plantación de iglesias, la consejería bíblica y el cuidado pastoral. Horizonte ha plantado y cuidado 8 iglesias, y como iglesia son anfitriones de la conferencia de consejería bíblica más importante de Latinoamérica cada año. Terminó una maestría en SEBTS donde actualmente es parte del programa de EdD con una concentración en mentoría y discipulado. Como fundó un Seminario en México, donde han enseñado y entrenado a cientos de siervos de Dios para la obra del ministerio. También dirige un programa que hospeda y entrena pastores individuales por 1-2 años para enviarlos y plantar iglesias en América Latina.
Kiké Torres is a pastor, certified counselor, teacher and author. Since 2011 he has served as Lead Pastor of Horizonte and La Carpa in Queretaro, MX. He has a heart for prayer, preaching, church planting, biblical counseling and pastoral care. Horizonte has planted and cared for 8 churches, and as a church they host the most important biblical counseling conference in Latin America every year. He finished an MA at SEBTS where he is currently part of the EdD program with a concentration in mentorship and discipline making. Like founded a Seminary en Mexico, where they have taught and trained hundreds of servants of God for the work of the ministry. He also leads a program that hosts and trains individual pastors for 1-2 years to send them and plant churches in Latin America.
Kiké currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Latin America Region.

Larry Diggs
Larry Diggs
Larry J. Diggs was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, by an extraordinary woman of God, his mother, Rosalie. He currently serves as the Pastor of Light of Hope Community Church, where he has been since 2014, and has served in ministry for over 25 years. Larry is a Retired Senior Chief Petty Officer, having served 26 years in the United States Navy. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in human development and a Master’s Degree in Social Work. He also worked as a Behavioral Health Specialist providing community service as an Addiction Counselor and a mental health provider since 2012. Larry and his wife Shelia were married in 1991, and they have been blessed with three children and two grandsons.
Larry currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Pacific Southwest Region.

Len Crowley
Len Crowley

Marco David
Marco David

Paul Meldrum
Paul Meldrum
Paul Meldrum is a retired airline pilot and entered pastoral ministry in 2005. He is the Pastor Emeritus at Flagstaff Bible Church. Paul was exposed to The 6:4 Fellowship through prayer coaching with Daniel Henderson in 2015. He and his wife Ronna have been married since 1975. They have 3 married children, who are serving the Lord in various capacities, and 14 grandchildren.
Paul currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Mountain West Region.

Rob Jones
Rob Jones
Rob is the Senior Pastor of Fellowship Community Church in Norwalk, Iowa, a suburb of Des Moines which he and his team planted in 1995. Rob has been a Community Catalyst for The 6:4 Fellowship since 2017, a Regional Director since 2022, and coordinates as well as facilitates Half-Day and 3-Day Prayer Summits each year in his home church and in his region.
Rob currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the North Midwest Region.

Shawn Brewer
Shawn Brewer
Dr. Shawn Brewer has been the Pastor of First Baptist Church Paradise Texas since January of 2021. He has been in ministry since 1984, and has Pastored four different churches in Texas, during that time. Shawn became a member of The 6:4 Fellowship in 2016. He has been married to Lauri, since January 9, 1988, and they have three adult children and four grandkids!
Shawn currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Central Southwest Region.

Sylvio Janelle
Sylvio Janelle
Sylvio a été formé comme chiropraticien. Peu après sa graduation, il a rencontré Jésus et reçu la vie éternelle. Sylvio est marié avec son amie Amy avec qui il aime faire du kayak et frapper des balles de tennis. Le couple a trois filles adultes et trois petits-enfants. Sylvio sert comme pasteur responsable dans l’Église Baptiste Évangélique de Saint-Georges, au Québec. C’est l’Église qu’il a jointe à sa conversion. Sylvio aime prendre soin des gens et les aider de toutes sortes de manières. Il se recharge dans des temps de solitude et est un amateur de pêche.
Sylvio was trained as a chiropractor. Shortly after graduation, he met Jesus and received eternal life. Sylvio is married to his friend Amy with whom he likes to go kayaking and hit tennis balls. They have three adult daughters and three grandchildren. Sylvio serves as head pastor of Église Baptiste Évangélique de Saint-Georges in Québec, Canada. It is the church he joined upon his conversion. Sylvio likes to care for people and to help them in different ways. He recharges through times of solitude and loves fishing.
Sylvio currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Quebec Region.

Wilton DeGraffe
Wilton DeGraffe
Wilton DeGraffe is a full-time pastor in Queens Village, NY. He is the Senior Pastor at Grace Gospel Tabernacle. He also served for 25 years as a Correction Officer for the NYCDOC and devotes one day a week as a Regional Director for The 6:4 Fellowship. Wilton is also a Renewal Coach for The 6:3 Discipleship. Wilton and Clarelle were married in 1998 and they have one son, Joshua.
Wilton currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Northeast Region.
We believe it is vital that the pastors and leaders of each of the churches with whom The 6:4 Fellowship partners assess and determine doctrine for themselves. 6:4 stands in the tradition of historic evangelical confession. The Fellowship’s beliefs are summarized in the following eight declared convictions….
The Bible
The Bible is God’s word to all humanity. Human writers penned it under the supernatural authorship of the Holy Spirit. It is the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs and living. Because God has inspired it, it is truth without any mixture of error in the original manuscripts. Psalm 12:6, 119:105,160; Proverbs 30:5; II Timothy 1:13, 3:16; II Peter 1:20,21.
God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are co-equal and are one God. Genesis 1:1,26-27; 3:22; Psalm 90:2; Matthew 28:19; II Corinthians 13:14; I Peter 1:2.
Human beings are made in the spiritual image of God, to be like Him in character. Humanity is the supreme expression of God’s physical creation. Although with potential for good, humans are all marred by sin, a predilection for disobedience toward God in all things. This predisposition to sin separates us from God and condemns us. Genesis 1:27; Psalm 8:3-6; Isaiah 53:6a, 59:1-2; Romans 3:23.
Humanity was created to exist forever. Humans will either exist eternally separated from God because of sin, or in union with God through His forgiveness and salvation in Jesus Christ. To be eternally separated from God is Hell. To be eternally in union with Him is “eternal life” or Heaven. Heaven and Hell are distinct places of eternal existence. Matthew 1:8, 2:44, 46; John 2:25, 3:16, 5:11-13; Romans 6:23; Revelation 20:15.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is co-equal with the Father. Jesus entered human history through the virgin birth and lived a sinless human life. He offered Himself as the perfect, substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on a cross. He rose from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin and death and that God’s message of forgiveness in Jesus is true. He ascended to Heaven’s glory and will return again to earth to consummate the fullness of his reign as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:22-23; John 1:1-5, 14:10-30; Acts 1:9-11; I Corinthians 15:3-4; Romans 1:3-4; I Timothy 6:14-15; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 4:14-15.
Salvation is a gift from God to humanity. It is by His initiative and work alone that humans receive forgiveness for sin and admission to Heaven. Salvation can never be earned by self-effort, but is given and sustained by the grace of God. Only by trusting in Jesus Christ as God’s means of forgiveness can we be saved from sin’s condemnation and penalty in Hell. “Eternal life,” then, begins the moment one receives Jesus Christ by faith. John 1:12, 10:29, 14:6; Romans 5:1, 6:23; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5; II Timothy 1:12; Hebrews 7:25; 10:10, 14; I Peter 1:3-5.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and the Son as God. The Spirit is present in the world to restrain sin, advance God’s will, and to make people aware of their need for Jesus Christ. The Spirit also resides in every Christian from the moment of salvation. The Spirit provides the Christian with understanding of spiritual truth and guidance and power for doing what is right. The faithful Christian seeks to live under The Spirit’s control daily. John 14:16, 17, 16:7-13; Acts 1:8; I Corinthians 2:12, 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17; Galatians 5:25; Ephesians 1:13, 5:1.
Become a Member

“It’s no exaggeration to say that my association with The 6:4 Fellowship has saved my ministry life on a number of occasions, you know the comradery I have found there with brother s in ministry with the same priorities , brothers who build me up when I’m hurting, and who I get to do the same for in return, I just haven’t found anything else like that across the ministry spectrum. Their listening ears, their genuine care and compassion have both bailed me out, and built me up more than I can count.”
Pastor Aaron Telecky | Maranatha Bible Church, Cedar Rapids, IA