International Members
Welcome to The 6:4 Fellowship . We are for you!
Pastors Committed to Prayer-and-Word-Powered Ministry
Welcome to The 6:4 Fellowship. We are for you! Biblical, diverse, and global in nature, 6:4 is a ministry by pastors for pastors encouraging one another to experience a life-changing rhythm of deeper conviction, rich community, and growing capacity for Spirit-empowered ministry. (Click on the globe to watch a short video)
If you like to become a member simply fill out the form below for Free Membership and to gain Access to the The 6:4 Introductory Resource Pack, with valuable tools for your life and ministry.
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"When I left my former state in Queensland, and took my new position here in Tasmania... I left most of the support of my friends and my family up there. And you know... The 6:4 Fellowship has given me a network of pastor to connect with and lean into and find the support that I need."
Pastor Nick Booth, Romaine Park Christian Center | Tasmania, Australia
Join The 6:4 Fellowship
(if your church is located in North America, please click HERE for registration)