About The 6:7 Awakening
- Three Ministry Changing Days
- Five Scripture-Solid Plenary Speakers
- Practical Workshops for Men and Women
- Dozens of Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, Worship-based Prayer Moments
- Hundreds of Enriching Leadership Conversations
Hoping for an Awakening in our World?
So are we!
In fact, we are hoping for an awakening like the one in Acts 6:7:
“And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith.”
Will God do this again? What are we to do in the meantime?
This is what The 6:7 Awakening International Gathering is all about!
It will be a time of powerful plenary presentations, life-giving corporate prayer, and practical workshops to rejuvenate, inspire, and awaken your passion for Jesus Christ and His mission!
We are so excited to partner with Centre Street Church in Calgary for this international gathering focused on raising up the Next Generation of church leaders committed to prayer-and-Word-powered ministry.
- When:
May 30-June 1, 2023
- Where:

- Registration:
$135 USD – Early-Bird Registration
(until 12:00 pm ET on March 31st)
*also includes a FREE PDF of the complete set of Praying the Psalms in one document
$167 USD – General Registration
(Group Registration Rates Available)
- Contact:
(720) 627-5932
Couldn’t make it to the event?
The Vision of
The 6:4 Fellowship
Our vision is rooted in the biblical paradigm of ministry seen in Acts 6:1-7. We long to see pastors and churches served with the encouragement and equipment necessary to catalyze Acts 6:3 disciples through Acts 6:4 leaders in the hope of an Acts 6:7 awakening.
We call it a divine pattern:
6:3 + 6:4 = 6:7
2023 Plenary Speakers

H.B. Charles Jr.
H.B. Charles Jr.

Jim Cymbala
Jim Cymbala

Robbie Symons
Robbie Symons

Al Toledo
Al Toledo

Schedule of Events & Workshops
Workshop Leaders

Alice Moss
Alice Moss

Billie Henderson
Billie Henderson
Billie Henderson has been married, to her husband Dennis since 1965. They have 4 adult children and 9 grandchildren. They served in the pastoral ministry of five local churches since September 1966. Beside serving for over 50 years in the local church as a pastor’s wife, Billie has spoken to hundreds of ministry wives in 15 countries. She and Dennis author 21 Days of Prayer for Couples and currently working on 21 Days of prayer for ministry coupes. She is known as one of the most delightful speakers and mentors.

Clarence Shuler
Clarence Shuler
Dr. Shuler is the President/CEO of BLR: Building Lasting Relationships. He and Brenda have been married over 37 years. They conduct marriage, men’s, women’s, and singles seminars internationally. In January 2020, Brenda and he received FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway Speakers of the Year Award. Clarence speaks to youth, college students and singles about friendships, dating, biblical sex, pornography and sexting. Dr. Gary Chapman and he speak together at The Five Love Languages, Date Night and Life-Changing Cross-Cultural Friendships events. They co-authored, Life-Changing Cross-Cultural Friendships: How You Can Help Heal Racial Divides, One Relationship at a Time and his newest book is Finding Hope in a Dark Place: Facing Loneliness, Depression and Anxiety with the Power of Grace were both released in 2022. His Maximizing Difference (diversity) training is in constant demand. He’s authored 10 books. For more information visit www.clarenceshuler.com

Dennis & Billie Henderson
Dennis & Billie Henderson
Dennis and Billie have been married since 1965. They have 4 adult children and 9 grandchildren. Dennis has associated with Strategic Renewal since its inception. Dennis has taught in 3 colleges and pastored five churches in 54 years. He left the senior pastorate in 2020 to become the North America Director for The 6:4 Fellowship. Dennis is the author of Clean Up on Aisle 2, and Billie and he authored 21 Days of Prayer for Couples.

Jeff Wells
Jeff Wells

Jim & Cathy Maxim
Jim & Cathy Maxim
Jim and his wife Cathy have been in ministry together for over 50 years. Their special mission in ministry is to return pastors and their congregations to prayer. Jim is a best-selling author of three 21 days of prayer devotionals that have transformed churches all over the world. The books’ unique feature are the author’s interactive audio prayers, accessed online, that complete each day’s devotional reading. 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer – The Power of Agreement, co-authored with his wife, Cathy Maxim and Pastor Daniel Henderson, 21 Days of Deeper Prayer – Discover an Extraordinary Life in God, and 21 Days of Prayer to Overcome Strongholds are coauthored with Pastor Daniel Henderson. Jim also shares his testimony in his first book, Face to Face with God.

Justin Jeppesen
Justin Jeppesen

Kike Torres
Kike Torres
Kiké Torres es pastor, consejero certificado, maestro y autor. Desde 2011 ha servido como Pastor Líder de Horizonte y La Carpa en Querétaro, MX. Tiene un corazón para la oración, la predicación, la plantación de iglesias, la consejería bíblica y el cuidado pastoral. Horizonte ha plantado y cuidado 8 iglesias, y como iglesia son anfitriones de la conferencia de consejería bíblica más importante de Latinoamérica cada año. Terminó una maestría en SEBTS donde actualmente es parte del programa de EdD con una concentración en mentoría y discipulado. Como fundó un Seminario en México, donde han enseñado y entrenado a cientos de siervos de Dios para la obra del ministerio. También dirige un programa que hospeda y entrena pastores individuales por 1-2 años para enviarlos y plantar iglesias en América Latina.
Kiké Torres is a pastor, certified counselor, teacher and author. Since 2011 he has served as Lead Pastor of Horizonte and La Carpa in Queretaro, MX. He has a heart for prayer, preaching, church planting, biblical counseling and pastoral care. Horizonte has planted and cared for 8 churches, and as a church they host the most important biblical counseling conference in Latin America every year. He finished an MA at SEBTS where he is currently part of the EdD program with a concentration in mentorship and discipline making. Like founded a Seminary en Mexico, where they have taught and trained hundreds of servants of God for the work of the ministry. He also leads a program that hosts and trains individual pastors for 1-2 years to send them and plant churches in Latin America.
Kiké currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Latin America Region.

Lindsay Taylor
Lindsay Taylor

Paul Meldrum
Paul Meldrum
Paul Meldrum is a retired airline pilot and entered pastoral ministry in 2005. He is the Pastor Emeritus at Flagstaff Bible Church. Paul was exposed to The 6:4 Fellowship through prayer coaching with Daniel Henderson in 2015. He and his wife Ronna have been married since 1975. They have 3 married children, who are serving the Lord in various capacities, and 14 grandchildren.
Paul currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Mountain West Region.

Rob Jones
Rob Jones
Rob is the Senior Pastor of Fellowship Community Church in Norwalk, Iowa, a suburb of Des Moines which he and his team planted in 1995. Rob has been a Community Catalyst for The 6:4 Fellowship since 2017, a Regional Director since 2022, and coordinates as well as facilitates Half-Day and 3-Day Prayer Summits each year in his home church and in his region.
Rob currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the North Midwest Region.

Rob Parker
Rob Parker
In 1985, Rob studied in Belfast, N. Ireland, three years after his conversion while working on the oil rigs in the Libyan desert. After returning to Canada, he pastored with the Baptist General Conference for 16 years. In 2004, after leading a prayer walk from Calgary to Ottawa, Rob founded the National House of Prayer in our nation’s capital and continued with this ministry until 2022. Rob is passionate about seeing meaningful prayer established in our local churches and feels called to help equip and encourage those who are embracing the journey of prayer.

Roger Helland
Roger Helland
Roger Helland is the prayer ambassador of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. He has served as a pastor in the Vineyard, Mennonite Brethren, and Christian and Missionary Alliance, and as the district minister of the Baptist General Conference of Alberta. He is an adjunct professor in several theological schools and the author of seven books including his newly released Pursuing God’s Presence. He is devoted to prayer and the ministry of the Word, the Spirit and the Scripture, holiness and missional disciple-making. His passion is to stimulate spiritual renewal in the church. He and his wife Gail live near Calgary.

Sean Campbell
Sean Campbell
Dr Campbell began his career and ministry working under contract with the United Nations along the Thai-Cambodian border. In 1988, Franklin Graham asked Sean to help build the presence of Samaritan’s Purse; and later the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, in Canada. Sean has traveled to over 150 countries designing and establishing relief and aid programs.

Troy Keaton
Troy Keaton
4:30 PM – Registration opens
6:15 PM – The 6:7 Awakening International Gathering Begins
6:30 PM – 1st Session
[session open to the public]
8:00 AM – Morning Prayer Time
9:15 AM – 2nd session
10:45 AM – Break
12:15 PM – Lunch (provided on-site)
2:45 PM – 3rd Session
5:oo PM – Dinner (provided on-site)
6:30 – 4th Session
[session open to the public]
8:00 AM – Morning Prayer Time
10:15 AM – Break
10:30 PM – 5th Session
(including White Hat Ceremony)
[session open to the public]
12:30 PM – Formal Gathering Concludes
Workshops Titles:
- (descriptions below)
- Prayer Culture: Why and How the Pastor Must Lead the Way
- Learning to Lead Prayer that is Worship Based
- How to Develop a Life-giving Culture of Prayer in Your Church.
- The Kingdom of God is Not Talk, But Power
- Praying in the Midst of Anxiety
- The Power of a Local Church Prayer Summit: Purpose, Planning, and Powerful Outcomes
- Leading, Burn Out and the Gentle Stillness Small Voice
- Confronting Spiritual Apathy
- I Didn’t Sign Up for This (designed for pastor’s wives)
- Praying Biblical Prayers
- The Pitfalls and Joys of Ministry Marriage
- Proving My Faith @ Prayer
- Rediscovering the New Testament Standard and Strategy for Making Disciples
- Don’t Give Up: Overcoming the Obstacles to Enduring Prayer or Power in the Pulpit: The Spirit’s Role in Life-Transforming Declaration
- Unhurried Time With God
- Finding Hope in a Dark Place: Facing Loneliness, Depression & Anxiety with the Power of Grace
- Who is your Paul? Who is your Timothy?
- Continual Fire on the Altar: Prayer and Pursuing God’s Presence
- Glorious Finish: Practical Daily Choices that Lead to Finishing Well
- Church Politics: An Oxymoron! – Ordering Church by the Book
- Being a Catalyst for Change in Your Local Church
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Workshop Descriptions
Wednesday Workshops
Being a Catalyst for Change in Your Local Church – Ann Wong
Do you desire to be a catalyst for change in your church to be a “House of Prayer?” Start now by being a praying catalyst! Come to pray together with others with the same passion, through worship-based, scripture-fed, spirit-led prayer. As we lift up our churches in prayer, the Spirit will Himself do the work of change in our local churches and enlighten us in our own next steps.
Confronting Spiritual Apathy – Robbie Symons
The Biblical Essentials to Leave Behind the Lukewarm Life.
Continual Fire on the Altar: Prayer and Pursuing God’s Presence – Roger Helland
I invite you to join me as we explore and experience pursuing God’s presence in united prayer that past and present dramatic moves of God contain and its impact in personal, church, and cultural transformation and holiness. We’ll draw on key biblical principles and practices observed in selected past moves of God, the Asbury University outpouring in mid-February, and summarize the results of the recent Ignite worship and prayer summits held in Ottawa, Calgary, Kelowna, and Regina with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada, National House of Prayer, Peace and Reconciliation Network, and Vineyard Canada. Multitudes of Christians and churches continue to wrestle with the effects of Covid and global upheaval resulting in anxiety, divisions, and uncertainties. If you want to learn how to fuel your personal and corporate life of prayer as a continual fire on the altar that ascends to and activates God’s presence, bring your Bible, your consecrated heart, and your prepared mind to spend this hour together.
Don’t Give Up – Al Toledo
Overcoming the Obstacles to Enduring Prayer or Power in the Pulpit: The Spirit’s Role in Life-Transforming Declaration
Finding Hope in a Dark Place: Facing Loneliness, Depression & Anxiety with the Power of Grace – Dr. Clarence Shuler
For over twenty-five years, licensed counselors have been saying that depression among men is an epidemic! COVID and increasing racial tension don’t help. Dr. Shuler will refreshingly and candidly share his story of depression. With God’s grace, he’s learning to effectively manage it. His story will help you receive grace in your struggle or help you to help others. Takeaways: Learn how God sees you and what it can mean to and for you; How your dark place can be a holy place; Why depression needs its sacred space; How to face depression, loneliness or anxiety; How to get unstuck emotionally; How to befriend someone considering death by suicide; and How to make each day your best day.
I Didn’t Sign Up for This – Billie Henderson
A Panel of seasoned pastor wives who have experienced a variety of ministry challenges, hurts, and surprises. They will share the many interrupted evenings, betrayals and wonderful blessing of ministry that came into their marriage. This will be a session for any woman in ministry who feel the tensions they face in their homes.
The Power of a Local Church Prayer Summit: Purpose, Planning, and Powerful Outcomes – Rob Jones
A local church prayer summit can be the catalyst to uniting your body, and even a larger community of believers. Get the tools you need to bring your people together to seek the face of Jesus.
Praying in the Midst of Fear & Anxiety– Kiké Torres
What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do.
Rediscovering the New Testament Standard and Strategy for Making Disciples – Justin Jeppesen
Jesus made our mission as the church abundantly clear when He declared in “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” Yet even though our mission is clear, we have found ourselves in what could be called a “discipleship crisis.” Stats and stories abound that tell of the “nones,” “dones” and disenfranchised” that are departing the church in staggering numbers, most of which are between the ages of 18-35. These past few years of disruption provide an opportunity to disciple in a whole new way. Well, actually in an old way. We can return to discipleship by the design Jesus has already established for His Church. We believe this is a “prayer-based” approach to building disciples who are marked by godly character, and who are full of the Holy Spirit and heavenly wisdom. What if the best way to disciple the nations is for the church to become a house of prayer for the nations?
Unhurried Time With God – Jeff Wells
If we want to draw closer to God, it is important to spend time with him. This session not only addresses the importance of daily unhurried time with God, but offers practical steps for how we can each experience God more fully.
Thursday Workshops
Church Politics: An Oxymoron! – Ordering Church by the Book – Len Crowley
“Church Politics!” Something is desperately wrong in the church if those two words are embraced as “normal.” Discover the biblical importance of Principled Governance – the kind displayed at the “first board meeting,” in Acts 15.
Glorious Finish: Practical Daily Choices that Lead to Finishing Well – Daniel Henderson
Too many Chrisitian leaders have fallen — breaking the hearts of congregants and damaging the reputation of the gospel. If you desire a lifelong pursuit of integrity and impact, you will be practically and powerfully encouraged by this relevant workshop – based on Daniel’s popular book, Glorious Finish.
How to Develop a Life-giving Culture of Prayer in Your Church – Paul Meldrum
What breathes life into the practice of prayer in our local churches? It is God’s holy presence through the power of His Spirit. If that is the case, then how do we journey into His presence? Worship Based Prayer delivers an increasing clarity of the Person, Character and Qualities of God, thus drawing us more deeply into intimacy with Him. His holiness elicits our worship, demands our repentance, calls for our submitted obedience and motivates us to speak the Gospel of Jesus to the world around us. Our workshop will be spent discussing the simple principles and committed process of introducing Scripture Fed, Spirit Led, Worship Based Prayer into your church. Further, we will spend time together in the worship of and prayer to our great God and King, and we will finish with a time of questions and answers. Come join us for a wonderful and life-giving time, together.
Learning to Lead Prayer that is Worship Based – Alice Moss
Is your prayer life boring, empty, lacking in spiritual fulfillment? Do you long for a deeper, stronger, more powerful prayer life? Do you desire a more intimate time with God? Do you wish to lead others in prayer that is life changing and fulfilling?Then this is the workshop for you. Join Alice Moss as she teaches how to lead Worship Based Prayer, using the Paradigm of The Lord’s Prayer.
The Kingdom of God is Not Talk, But Power – Jim Maxim
Understanding your role and your privilege to minister first to Almighty God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Learning “to move the hand that moved the world” will create a passionate desire to live your life before the throne and we will discover how that translates to your daily job, your family, and your calling.
The Pitfalls and Joys of Ministry Marriage – Dennis & Billie Henderson
This is story of 54 years of marriage ministry. Dennis and Billie with openly tell of failures in the marriage and even marriage train wreck that came in their 28th year of marriage. Their session will be helpful any couple in ministry as they will share the pitfalls to with out for and the joys that can come when the marriage is on track.
Praying Biblical Prayers – Sean Campbell
How does my prayer life differ from the prayer lives of Biblical men and women? Could it be that I missing the point?
Prayer Culture: Why and How the Pastor Must Lead the Way – Troy Keaton
Does your church experience the power of effective, life-giving prayer? What must we do as pastors to initiate a spirit of genuine prayer in our church bodies? In this session he will discuss the joys and disappointments of leading a praying church and provide practical and effective ways we can fulfill our most important role as leaders.
Proving My Faith @ Prayer – Rob Parker
Have you ever considered measuring the effectiveness of your prayers? In John 15:7-9 Jesus seeks to respond to your prayers so that the Father is glorified and the answers result in a proving your faith. This is anchored in the close relationship of prayerfully abiding in him and his Word abiding in us.
Who is your Paul? Who is your Timothy? – Lindsay Taylor
Have you ever promised yourself that you are going to get physically fit? You begin a new diet or exercise program only to fall back into your old habits a few weeks or few days later. I believe the answer for may of us is, that we try to go it alone. Unfortunately that is often true in our spiritual journey as well. Growing alone is not an option. Join me as we explore this topic.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Strategic Renewal Conference, Resilience, will be held March 18th – 20th, 2025 at First Baptist Church Woodstock 11905 Highway 92 Woodstock, Georgia 30188
We will be hosting a live stream event that coincides with the conference that includes main sessions, online workshops, and lobby interactions. This segment of the event will not only be live, but portions of it will be recorded and available for access after the event.
New this year! There will be a hosted live stream event that coincides with Resilience, so that those who cannot physically be in attendance can still participate in online workshops, hear from attendees and speakers in the lobby, and be encouraged by the Main Sessions of the conference. To purchase access to this live stream event simply click or tap the register button and choose the live stream option, or use this LINK.
Strategic Renewal Conferences are for those 18 years of age and older. No childcare will be provided during the event.
Hotels Near the Event
We have secured a block of rooms at the HIlton Garden Inn. To book your room follow these instructions. YOU MUST BOOK YOUR ROOM PRIOR TO APRIL 30 TO GET THE DISCOUNTED RATE.
- Go to www.calgaryairport.
gardeninn.com - Select the dates of stay for your conference. (If you are booking additional days you will need to call the hotel to book. Let them know that they have a group code.)
- Input the code PRAY in the group code box. Code is case-sensitive. The discounted room cost is $136 (That is a $64 savings).
(other close options with no special rate agreement)
The 6:7 Awakening 2023 Recorded Content - Register and Pay
Registration includes access to a 6:4 page containing some recordings from the International Prayer Conference in Calgary, The 6:7 Awakening. The link and password for this page will be emailed to you upon registration. This access is intended for individual use.