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Support Pastors with Something Tangible and Ongoing!

Now more than ever, Pastors need to know they have support.

In today’s world, your pastor(s) needs your prayers. They deeply desire your gratefulness for the role they faithfully serve in your life, and in the life of the church. Just like you, they are blessed by the thoughtfulness of those who are close to them. Besides expressing your gratitude in the grace with which you interact with him, or the way you joyfully serve alongside him, Strategic Renewal would like to offer you a few more options to tangibly show your appreciation.


The 6:4 Fellowship is a ministry developed by pastors for pastors. It’s mission is to encourage pastors to a resolute commitment to “prayer and the ministry of the Word,” Acts 6:4. It’s primary directive is to reawaken pastors to put “first things first,” positioning churches to experience stunning outcomes, similar to those encountered by early believers as described in Acts 6:7.

Practically, The 6:4 Fellowship coaches leaders toward deeper conviction, competency and confidence in “prayer and the ministry of the Word.” Relationally 6:4 connects these pastors to one another in an authentic, worldwide, prayer fueled community. A major focus of the ministry is to model and train others in Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, Worship-based prayer.

When you support The 6:4 Fellowship you are helping to catalyze a movement of gospel-centered, dynamic praying churches. While we all pray for the fruits of revival and awakening, this ministry is growing the roots of revival and awakening one pastor, and one church, at a time. Your support helps The 6:4 Fellowship support these pastors in a life changing way. We’ve broken the numbers out in a simple way for you to see.

…for as little as $6.40/month

The blessings of your gift, to the body of Christ, can not be estimated, and your gifts will be multiplied, to the glory of God, in the spreading of the gospel around the world. It will also add more voices to the Godly community of pastors that already stand together, across denominational lines, prioritizing the power of prayer and the ministry of the word.

These numbers are merely suggestions, and obviously according to our favorite numbers, but your support is not confined to this. Your support, in any amount, supports pastors in thousands of communities across fifteen nations.  



For the whole month of October, in honor of Pastor Appreciation Month, all of the Strategic Renewal Resources will be 25% off when they are bought to show gratitude for your local pastors. Use promo code PASTOR at check-out through 10/31, to receive this discount, and thank you for supporting your pastors!