Globe background with words over it along with 6:4 logo

Artificial Intelligence

Threats and Opportunities that Affect Your Ministry

Tuesday, April 23, 2024
11:00am – 1:30pm ET


Headshot of Peter

Peter Goeman

Headshot of Jason

Jason Thacker

Session Recording

The live event was well attended and those in attendance found it to be greatly beneficial to their ministries. Please enjoy the recording and feel free to pass it on to other pastors and church leaders who might be interested.

Make sure you save the date for our next virtual event on A Pastor’s Mental Health, coming August 20th. Registration coming soon!

What You Can Expect:

  • A dive into the complexities of AI through the lens of biblical ministry, led by nationally recognized speakers with rich experiences in church, para-church, and various ministry settings.
  • Expert Insights: Learn from leaders as they share their perspectives on AI’s impact on ministry.
  • Engaging Discussions: Participate in break-out rooms tailored by geographical regions and ministry roles to delve deeper into each presentation.
  • Practical Applications: Explore how AI’s threats and opportunities can be navigated within your ministry context.

Why Attend?

  • Equip yourself with knowledge to address AI’s emerging challenges and possibilities in ministry.
  • Network with like-minded leaders and share strategies to incorporate AI in a way that aligns with biblical values.
  • Gain actionable insights to lead your ministry in an AI-influenced world.

What is a Virtual Global Symposium?

A Two Hour Interactive Learning Experience for Church Leaders

The 6:4 Fellowship’s Virtual Global Symposium is a gathering of leaders, to discuss a particular topic in biblical ministry, presented on the Zoom platform. The 6:4 Fellowship uses nationally known speakers to address these topics from their specific church, para-church, or ministry experiences. Each presentation, and any application, is then discussed by those in attendance in break-out rooms, broken out by geographical regions and roles in their present ministries.

These sessions have been very insightful for those in full-time ministry bringing different perspectives, ideas, and inspiration for them to apply in their local settings. The Virtual Global Symposium is also a great opportunity to fellowship with like-minded leaders around relevant ministry topics. 


                  JASON THACKER
  • (Title TBA) 
11:35 PM – Q&A
                   PETER GOEMAN
  • (Title TBA)
12:40 PM – Q&A


North East Region – Pastors from Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont

Quebec Region – Pastors from the Province of Quebec and any French speaking attendees

Mid-Atlantic Region – Pastors from North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia

South Region – Pastors from Alabama, Caribbean Islands, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi

Great Lakes Region – Pastors from Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania

Central Region – Pastors from Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee, Wisconsin

North Midwest Region – Pastors from Iowa, Kansas, Manitoba, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Saskatchewan, South Dakota

Central Southwest Region – Pastors from Arkansas, Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

Mountain West Region – Pastors from Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming

Pacific Southwest Region – Pastors from Australia, California, Hawaii, Phillippines

Pacific Northwest Region – Pastors from Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington

Latin America Region (Spanish Speaking) – Pastors from Mexico, Latin America, or any Spanish speaking attendees


Dennis Henderson – North American Director
The 6:4 Fellowship

Pastor of Leadership Development, Northlake Church, Lago Vista, TX

Dennis Henderson left the senior pastorate after 54 years of pastoring to become the National Director of The 6:4 Fellowship. He continues to consult with his home church, Northlake Church in Lago Vista, Texas, as the Pastor of Kingdom and Advancement and Prayer. He and Billie have been married since 1965, and have four adult children and nine grandchildren. Billie and Dennis have a passion to help ministry couples and support the ministry of prayer in the local church through The 6:4 Fellowship.


Jason Thacker – Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Ethics, Boyce College,
Louisville, Kentucky.

Jason Thacker serves as an assistant professor of philosophy and ethics at Boyce College in Louisville, Kentucky. He also is a senior fellow in Christian ethics and director of the research institute at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. He is the author of several books including Following Jesus in the Digital Age and The Age of AI: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity. He also serves as the editor of The Digital Public Square: Christian Ethics in a Technological Society and co-editor of the Essentials in Christian Ethics series with B&H Academic. He is the project leader and lead drafter of Artificial Intelligence: An Evangelical Statement of Principles, and his work has been featured at Slate, Politico, The Week, USA Today, Christianity Today, World Magazine, The Gospel Coalition, and Desiring God. He is a graduate of The University of Tennessee in Knoxville, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies. He also holds a Master of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he is currently a PhD candidate in ethics, public theology, and philosophy. He serves as an associate fellow with the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology in Cambridge, an advisor for AI and Faith, and fellow in science and technology at the Land Center for Cultural Engagement at Southwestern Seminary. He is married to Dorie and they have two sons.

Peter Goeman – Associate Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages at
The Shepherds Church

Peter Goeman serves as Associate Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages at Shepherds, having joined the faculty in 2017. Peter is a graduate of both The Master’s University (TMU) and The Master’s Seminary (TMS). At TMU Peter studied business, and at TMS he completed his MDiv, ThM, and PhD degrees, specializing in Old Testament studies. Over the last ten years he has been involved in various pastoral ministry positions. He currently serves at The Shepherd’s Church, overseeing the young adult ministry. He is married to Kinsley, and they have two sons and a daughter. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, and has authored regular journal articles.