Regain the Resilience to Thrive – not just Survive
Join Hundreds from All Over North America for a Strategic Renewal!
2022 Conference Highlights
Special Guests
Vance Pitman
Vance Pitman
Crawford Loritts
Crawford Loritts
Troy Keaton
Troy Keaton
Daniel Henderson
Daniel Henderson
Jeremy Morton
Jeremy Morton
Jeremy has been preaching since the age of 16. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Christianity from Brewton Parker College in 2004, a Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in 2007, and a Doctorate of Ministry in Expository Preaching from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in May 2022. Jeremy and his wife, Carrie are lifelong Georgia residents who were church planters in the central part of the state for many years. Since the fall of 2018, Jeremy has been serving as the lead pastor at First Baptist Church Woodstock. Previously, he was the senior pastor of Cartersville First Baptist Church for five years. Jeremy also served as senior pastor at Cross Point Baptist Church in Perry, Georgia since its inception in 2002.
Zach Meerkreebs
Zach Meerkreebs
Zach Meerkreebs’ goal is to be the most grateful guy you’ve ever met…primarily because of His salvation and Jesus’ generosity to include Him in His mission! Along with his thankfulness for partnering in God’s mission, Zach is thankful for the opportunity to be married to Kristin and dad to Eden, Esther, and Mercy. Zach has been a college pastor, missionary, church planter, and leadership development director for a denomination but in February his life changed. Zach had the gift of speaking at Asbury University chapel in February 2023 and ever since, following a sweet 16 days in Hughes auditorium, he has been traveling to campuses, churches, and countries to talk about being prepared for an Outpouring leading to renewal.
Thai Lam
Thai Lam
Thai serves as the Executive Director for Revival is Family Foundation. He gives leadership to LUKE18 PROJECT, a campus prayer movement that is equipping college students to be praying leaders, and to COLLEGIATE DAY OF PRAYER, a movement that mobilizes the Body of Christ to unite in prayer for revival and spiritual awakening on college campuses. Over the past 25 years, Thai has pioneered and led campus ministries at UC Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford, San Jose State, KU, and UMKC. He came to faith in Jesus as a freshmen at UC Berkeley, graduated in Religious Studies, and then studied Cross-Cultural Missions at Fuller Seminary.
Aaron Telecky
Aaron Telecky
Aaron has served as pastor of Maranatha Bible Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, since 1999. He is a graduate of Emmaus Bible College which is also where he met his wife, Beth.
While Aaron has always had a passion for preaching the Word, his commitment to building a culture of worship-based prayer at Maranatha was ignited when he stepped into a prayer session facilitated by Daniel Henderson at the Moody Bible Institute Pastors’ Conference more than a decade ago. In the years since, Aaron has participated in prayer coaching with The 6:4 Fellowship and initiated several ongoing weekly prayer groups within the church and also with fellow pastors in the community.
Aaron and Beth have been blessed with six children, two of whom are married, and also have two (soon to be three) grandchildren. In his free time, Aaron enjoys gardening, watching his kids play ball, and serving as the athletics PA announcer for a local high school.
Aaron currently serves as a Regional Leader with The 6:4 Fellowship, as well as a Renewal Coach for The 6:3 Discipleship.
Alex Bowman
Alex Bowman
Alex has been in full-time pastoral ministry since 2007. He is the Lead Pastor at Crosswalk Community Church in Titusville, Florida. Alex and Melinda have been married since 1995 and they have three adult sons. They enjoy outdoor activities and love to hang out with family and friends.
Alex currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the South Region.
Alice Moss
Alice Moss
Billie Henderson
Billie Henderson
Billie Henderson has been married, to her husband Dennis since 1965. They have 4 adult children and 9 grandchildren. They served in the pastoral ministry of five local churches since September 1966. Beside serving for over 50 years in the local church as a pastor’s wife, Billie has spoken to hundreds of ministry wives in 15 countries. She and Dennis author 21 Days of Prayer for Couples and currently working on 21 Days of prayer for ministry coupes. She is known as one of the most delightful speakers and mentors.
Billy Chidester
Billy Chidester
Pastor Billy has been preaching for almost 25 years now. His father and both of his grandfathers served as pastors and an in other areas of ministry. So, Pastor Billy is thankful to have come from several generations of ministers. He has served in South Mississippi, in New Mexico and has now been serving at Elmdale since 2015. Through the Lord’s amazing grace Pastor Billy became a Christian when he was 9 years old and today is thankful that the Lord has counted him faithful to serve as a pastor to love and shepherd the people the Lord has put before him. Pastor Billy is a graduate of William Carey College in Hattiesburg, MS and received his Master of Divinity degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Pastor Billy has been married Evangelina since 2000 and they have two grown Children, Shirley (and her husband and Son) and Little Billy. The Chidester family is thankful to serve the Lord and His Kingdom in NWA.
Billy currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Mid-America Region.
Brad Thompson
Brad Thompson
Brad Thompson spent 40 years in the Forest Products industry and retired in 2019 as President and CEO for Columbia Forest Products (North America’s largest producer of decorative hardwood plywood.) He served on various non-profit Boards serving as Board Chairman for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro, NC, Board Chairman for The Hardwood Federation and Board President for the Hardwood Industry’s PAC. Brad has a passion for workplace ministry associating Columbia Forest Product’s plants with Corporate Chaplains, His Way at Work and C12 leadership support. He received the C12 Group’s “Hero Award” for workplace ministry. Brad received the Association of Fundraising Professional’s Outstanding Philanthropist Award and has also served as a Gideon. Brad and his wife Libby have been married since 1981. They currently live at Smith Mountain Lake, VA where he serves on the Photography Team at Eastlake Church. Brad started a day and evening Men’s Bible Study Fellowship group for the SML area and serves as a group leader. Brad serves a Chief Operating Officer for Strategic Renewal. He and his wife have three grown children and one granddaughter.
Dennis Henderson
Dennis Henderson
Jason Matta
Jason Matta
Pastor Jason grew up in a Christian home, and devoted his life to Christ at an early age. The Lord continued to guide Jason’s life to pursue ministry, which resulted in a seminary degree. It was through God’s direction that Jason was connected to Hope Bible Church in Oakville (formerly Harvest Bible Chapel Oakville) and eventually joined their staff in 2012. After much prayer, twenty two faithful core members planted Hope Church Toronto West in 2013 under Pastor Jason’s servant leadership.
Pastor Jason is passionate about the glory of God, the mission of God, the Word of God, and humble dependence upon God in prayer. Jason and his wife, Aileen, have three wonderful children: Josiah, Abigail, and Silas.
Jeremiah Porter
Jeremiah Porter
Jim Maxim
Jim Maxim
Josh Mulvihill
Josh Mulvihill
Josh Mulvihill is the Executive Director of Church and Family Ministry at RenewaNation, which exists to help children develop a biblical worldview. He served as a pastor for nearly 20 years, has a PhD in Family Ministry from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, serves as the Vice-Chairman on the board of Awana, and is the author or editor of eleven books on parenting and grandparenting including his latest Family Ministry: How Your Church Can Shepherd Parents and Grandparents to Make Disciples. He is married to Jen, they homeschool their five children, and live at Prairie Hill Farm in Minnesota. Josh can be found online at
Justin Jeppesen
Justin Jeppesen
Kike Torres
Kike Torres
Kiké Torres es pastor, consejero certificado, maestro y autor. Desde 2011 ha servido como Pastor Líder de Horizonte y La Carpa en Querétaro, MX. Tiene un corazón para la oración, la predicación, la plantación de iglesias, la consejería bíblica y el cuidado pastoral. Horizonte ha plantado y cuidado 8 iglesias, y como iglesia son anfitriones de la conferencia de consejería bíblica más importante de Latinoamérica cada año. Terminó una maestría en SEBTS donde actualmente es parte del programa de EdD con una concentración en mentoría y discipulado. Como fundó un Seminario en México, donde han enseñado y entrenado a cientos de siervos de Dios para la obra del ministerio. También dirige un programa que hospeda y entrena pastores individuales por 1-2 años para enviarlos y plantar iglesias en América Latina.
Kiké Torres is a pastor, certified counselor, teacher and author. Since 2011 he has served as Lead Pastor of Horizonte and La Carpa in Queretaro, MX. He has a heart for prayer, preaching, church planting, biblical counseling and pastoral care. Horizonte has planted and cared for 8 churches, and as a church they host the most important biblical counseling conference in Latin America every year. He finished an MA at SEBTS where he is currently part of the EdD program with a concentration in mentorship and discipline making. Like founded a Seminary en Mexico, where they have taught and trained hundreds of servants of God for the work of the ministry. He also leads a program that hosts and trains individual pastors for 1-2 years to send them and plant churches in Latin America.
Kiké currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Latin America Region.
Len Crowley
Len Crowley
Leslie Bennet
Leslie Bennet
Leslie Bennett has led Women’s Ministry in two local churches and serves on the Revive Our Hearts ministry team. Spend a few minutes with Leslie and you’ll catch her passion for the local church, prayer, discipleship, and revival. A teacher at heart, she is devoted to training and discipling the next generation to treasure Christ above all. Leslie and her husband Mac live in S.C. where she loves spending time with family, admiring Low-country sunsets, and drinking sweet tea.
Marco David
Marco David
Rob Jones
Rob Jones
Rob is the Senior Pastor of Fellowship Community Church in Norwalk, Iowa, a suburb of Des Moines which he and his team planted in 1995. Rob has been a Community Catalyst for The 6:4 Fellowship since 2017, a Regional Director since 2022, and coordinates as well as facilitates Half-Day and 3-Day Prayer Summits each year in his home church and in his region.
Rob currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the North Midwest Region.
Shawn Brewer
Shawn Brewer
Dr. Shawn Brewer has been the Pastor of First Baptist Church Paradise Texas since January of 2021. He has been in ministry since 1984, and has Pastored four different churches in Texas, during that time. Shawn became a member of The 6:4 Fellowship in 2016. He has been married to Lauri, since January 9, 1988, and they have three adult children and four grandkids!
Shawn currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Central Southwest Region.
Sylvio Janelle
Sylvio Janelle
Sylvio a été formé comme chiropraticien. Peu après sa graduation, il a rencontré Jésus et reçu la vie éternelle. Sylvio est marié avec son amie Amy avec qui il aime faire du kayak et frapper des balles de tennis. Le couple a trois filles adultes et trois petits-enfants. Sylvio sert comme pasteur responsable dans l’Église Baptiste Évangélique de Saint-Georges, au Québec. C’est l’Église qu’il a jointe à sa conversion. Sylvio aime prendre soin des gens et les aider de toutes sortes de manières. Il se recharge dans des temps de solitude et est un amateur de pêche.
Sylvio was trained as a chiropractor. Shortly after graduation, he met Jesus and received eternal life. Sylvio is married to his friend Amy with whom he likes to go kayaking and hit tennis balls. They have three adult daughters and three grandchildren. Sylvio serves as head pastor of Église Baptiste Évangélique de Saint-Georges in Québec, Canada. It is the church he joined upon his conversion. Sylvio likes to care for people and to help them in different ways. He recharges through times of solitude and loves fishing.
Sylvio currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Quebec Region.
Wilton DeGraffe
Wilton DeGraffe
Wilton DeGraffe is a full-time pastor in Queens Village, NY. He is the Senior Pastor at Grace Gospel Tabernacle. He also served for 25 years as a Correction Officer for the NYCDOC and devotes one day a week as a Regional Director for The 6:4 Fellowship. Wilton is also a Renewal Coach for The 6:3 Discipleship. Wilton and Clarelle were married in 1998 and they have one son, Joshua.
Wilton currently serves The 6:4 Fellowship as the Regional Director of the Northeast Region.
What You Can Expect
- Three days that will edify your ministry
- Prayer Summit-style gatherings before each day begins
- Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, Worship-based Prayer as a part of each session
- Two distinct tracks: for Pastors, and for Disciples – including intentional workshop offerings for each
- Unmatched fellowship with like-minded ministry leaders
- A pre-conference focused on coming alongside the next generation
Why Attend?
- Be refreshed and rejuvenated in the manner and fervency with which you pray
- Equip yourself and your team with the resilience to face the coming season of ministry
- Find and reenforce relationships with fellow saints and ministers from across the country
- Network with like-minded leaders to engage in mutual ministry to build one another up
- Celebrate what god has done through strategic renewal, including the creation and ministry of The 6:4 Fellowship, over the last 25 years!
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Frequently Asked Questions
Resilience - A Strategic Renewal Conference
The Strategic Renewal Conference, Resilience, will be held March 18th – 20th, 2025 at First Baptist Church Woodstock 11905 Highway 92 Woodstock, Georgia 30188
We will be hosting a live stream event that coincides with the conference that includes main sessions, online workshops, and lobby interactions. This segment of the event will not only be live, but portions of it will be recorded and available for access after the event.
New this year! There will be a hosted live stream event that coincides with Resilience, so that those who cannot physically be in attendance can still participate in online workshops, hear from attendees and speakers in the lobby, and be encouraged by the Main Sessions of the conference. To purchase access to this live stream event simply click or tap the register button and choose the live stream option, or use this LINK.
Strategic Renewal Conferences are for those 18 years of age and older. No childcare will be provided during the event.